I wholeheartedly agree with what Thomas Moore says here about the spiritual life.
This is how the call to spirituality comes to us. We ought to be spiritual in every aspect of our lives because our world is the spiritual one. It is what we are suited to. Thus Paul, from his profound grasp of human existence, counsels us, “To fill your mind with the visible, the ‘flesh,’ is death, but to fill your mind with the spirit is life and
... See moreDallas Willard • The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God
The intelligence of the will leads to a spiritual view of action. Whether we’re in touch with it or not, each of us has a part that wants to ceaselessly move forward and create. This is our immortal part, the higher self. It is connected to a higher life that fills us with wisdom and makes us indifferent to temporary failure. The goal of modern spi
... See morePhil Stutz • Lessons for Living: What Only Adversity Can Teach You
Tim Urban • How Religion Got in the Way — Wait But Why
Spiritual growth basically means going beyond mass thinking, to a point where you have so much confidence in your reality that you know you can stand alone. In the process, you discover that you are the Living Spirit within—eternal, immortal, and infinite—that in fact you are limitless.
Stuart Wilde • Affirmations: How to Expand Your personal Power and Take Back Control of Your Life
Faith is a deeply held conviction that there is a higher meaning in life that cannot be proved by outer events.
Phil Stutz • Lessons for Living: What Only Adversity Can Teach You

Being spiritual means treasuring your secret but not locking it away, seeking always to grow in soul, and acting in a way that dignifies the specialness of being human.
David J. Wolpe • Why Be Jewish?
To live a spiritual life is to seek to grow in love and kindness—and to persevere even when love as a perfect integration of emotion and action seems daunting or out of reach.