Why is it like that? https://t.co/9sfk0ggnSv
Why is it like that? https://t.co/9sfk0ggnSv
To me, challenging doesn’t look like the person who just grinds through a project to get it done, sacrificing sleep, family, or any semblance of balance. While brute force may be effective short -term, I’m convinced it doesn’t lend itself to sustainable creativity, joy, or meaning (and sustainability is everything – from a biological and mathematic... See more
Unknown • Challenging * Mattering = Meaningful
People increasingly want immediate results because that’s all they see, not the process or work it takes to get there. Shortcuts don’t work.
People who enjoy long workweeks and the politics of the corporate ladder are the ones who fly to the top of it. People who enjoy the stresses and uncertainties of the starving artist lifestyle are ultimately the ones who live it and make it.