To discipline your mind, write down your ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) and ask yourself if they are true. https://t.co/VQaMtKPc62

LessWrong • How to Be Happy - LessWrong
The bottom line is not whether a thought is positive or negative, true or false, pleasant or unpleasant, optimistic or pessimistic, but whether it helps you create a fulfilling life.
Russ Harris • The Happiness Trap: Stop Struggling, Start Living
The interesting thing is that if the thought is a good one, based on something positive, that it actually looks different in the brain than a negative thought does. The toxic thought, as I refer to them, will affect your entire body. They form a different type of chemical than a positive thought does. The toxic thought causes little thorns to grow
... See moreJoyce Meyer • Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions So They Don't Control You
hope you’re starting to see that negative thoughts—in and of themselves—are not problematic; they don’t directly cause stress, depression, anxiety, and so on. It’s only when we respond to them in OBEY mode that problems occur.