Artists are agents of invention who attempt to change the dominant conventions (although many individuals operating under the rubric of "artist" have much more pedestrian and commercial goals.)
1.9.1 The avant-garde exposes, devalues, and alters existing conventions in search of new cultural arrangements that could provide new aesthetic experiences... See more
1.9.1 The avant-garde exposes, devalues, and alters existing conventions in search of new cultural arrangements that could provide new aesthetic experiences... See more
Culture: An Owner's Manual • Culture Is an Ecosystem: A Manifesto Towards a New Cultural Criticism
Twitter became about arguing, Instagram became about showing off, Facebook became about people you went to school with saying weird things.
The most important role in a social network is the vibe designer, because the big questions are sociological, not technological.
The “story” behind the work becomes more important and front and center. As any art collector knows, the fine art world is as much (nah, more!) about the story than it is about the paint on a canvas. Within a gallery, a piece is valued based on its lineage, its originality, and the trials and tribulations of the artist. A replica of a pricel
... See moreScott Belsky • Creating in The Era of Creative Confidence
A point is an idea intentionally expressed. A point of view is the perspective—conscious and unconscious—through which the work emerges. What causes us to notice a piece of art is rarely the point being made. We are drawn to the way an artist’s filter refracts ideas, not to the ideas themselves.
Rick Rubin • The Creative Act: A Way of Being
The tyranny of the contextualizer online is their constant and immovable presence between the reader and the text, the listener and the music, the viewer and the film. We now reach for context before engaging with the content. When my first interaction with a song is through TikTok reactions, I no longer encounter the work as it is, on my own. It c... See more