PSY LYF is a photographic journal by MISHA HOLLENBACH • Limited pre-order availble on perksandmini.com • « There is something inherently alchemical in the creation of photographs. A mechanical button is pressed, chemicals transform material or pixels are fixed into a simulacrum of reality. » • Cloth-bound hardcover with metallic and matte foils, 210 x 300 mm, 424 pages, includes a 127 x 176 mm photo print (3 different prints available). Printed in Japan. • Designed at M/M Paris Text by Francesca Gavin Published by 1729 • @perksandmini @p_s_y_l_y_f @mmparisdotcom @roughversion @naohiro_tom @1729agency • Japan Launch @tokyoartbookfair TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR: POST-FAKE Booth 30th November 17:00 - 18:00 • #MishaHollenbach #MMParis