It’s important that people—actual individuals—are doing the work for themselves to decide how exactly they want to group information together, because it’s this exercise that hones a person’s unique intuition. It’s personal intuition that gives a piece of information a unique shape to live in, and it's the many connected shapes that make su
... See • On Motivation was born out of this desire to create a platform that helped you find people through information, and vice versa. That’s essentially the thing that does, plus enabling you to learn more about yourself through the information you collect. Is Where We Go to Find Ourselves Online
“nodal points,” the idea that important people, places, ideas, references etc. have shaped the direction of my life and how I see myself • An Interview With Emily Segal
So, there’s the trick. The path to taste is really as simple as writing a little plus and minus in the margin more often. If we apply this to digital space, we can turn them from an overwhelming and chaotic bombardment into a steady stream of things we find beautiful, that in turn, can define our tastes. For me, is a space for this kind of c... See more