Why We Need The New Rosetta Stone for Gen Z
When it comes to keeping up in our digital culture and economy, we’re quick to throw hardware at the problem — faster broadband, laptops for school, etc. But participation demands more than access, we need mass understanding.
Matt Klein • Why We Need The New Rosetta Stone for Gen Z
Memes speak rich, collective truths. And in a time-crunched world, visual representations are quicker to summon and consume. They won’t be disappearing.
Matt Klein • Why We Need The New Rosetta Stone for Gen Z
If we define language fluency as one’s proficiency to read, write and speak, then there’s a new need for the Rosetta Stone of the digital age.
Matt Klein • Why We Need The New Rosetta Stone for Gen Z
For Gen Z, everything is content and all content communicates.Sharing a headline is a message. A photo is a vibe. A video is a mood. For a generation which holds such complex, nuanced sentiment, these nonverbal but colorful mediums are required to get across what's felt.