Why don't more businesses use prediction markets? - Marginal REVOLUTION

Tanner Hoke Let there be flow - Tanner Hoke

Peter Thiel, Blake Masters Zero to One

The Promise of Prediction Markets | Science

Thumbnail of The Promise of Prediction Markets | Science

Decision Markets for Policy Advice

The text discusses decision markets as innovative tools for improving policy decision-making by aggregating information about the expected consequences of various policy options, highlighting their advantages, challenges, and a case study on the Policy Analysis Market.


Let there be flow - Tanner Hoke

Tanner Hoketannerhoke.com
Thumbnail of Let there be flow - Tanner Hoke

Daniel Kahneman Thinking, Fast and Slow

Statement on Prediction Markets

The paper advocates for reduced regulatory barriers to prediction markets, proposing a safe harbor for small stakes markets to enhance decision-making and information gathering in both public and private sectors.


Herbert A. Simon The Sciences of the Artificial