Why Do So Many Brands Change Their Logos and Look Like Everyone Else?

Alice Rawsthorn Hello World: Where Design Meets Life

How Silicon Valley helps spread the same sterile aesthetic across the world

Kyle Chaykatheverge.com
Thumbnail of How Silicon Valley helps spread the same sterile aesthetic across the world

It’s Not Just You: Websites Really Do All Look the Same Now

Angela Lashbrookonezero.medium.com
Thumbnail of It’s Not Just You: Websites Really Do All Look the Same Now

Debbie Millman Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits

The Elegance of Nothing

Thumbnail of The Elegance of Nothing

Andreessen Horowitz (AZ) Why We Crave Software With Style Over "Branding"

Mario Gabriele Modern Meditations: Danny Rimer

alexmurrell.co.uk The age of average