Saved by Stuart Evans
Why Beth Moore Is The Leader We Need Right Now
Millions of men have been through all the same hell these last three years we have, but they can’t seek the same healing because The Church has silenced the women and relegated them to ministering to children and each other.
Robin Thinks • Why Beth Moore Is The Leader We Need Right Now
I also believe we have done the entire church a huge disservice by continuing to only refer to God in the masculine. The problem, of course, is not simply that we refer to God in the masculine but what we have come to believe about what it means to be masculine
Robin Black • Why Beth Moore Is The Leader We Need Right Now
Leadership is not about power. Leadership is not about authority and it’s definitely not about control, but that is what it has become in the church. The Church has become an opaque world of NDA’s where the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing. Leadership is about sacrifice.
Robin Thinks • Why Beth Moore Is The Leader We Need Right Now
When children fall or fail it’s not to dad that they run, but to mom, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We’ve just been through three years of pain and loss; it is not our spiritual fathers that we need right now, it is our mamas.
Robin Black • Why Beth Moore Is The Leader We Need Right Now
I don’t know about anyone else, but right now I need a God who weeps and a God who sings over Her children (Zeph 3:17) more than I need a God who commands us to “girds up [our] loins like a man” (Job 42:7). Not that there’s not a time for that. God is not jut one thing. God has many faces and which one He/She/It/They shows us all depends on what we
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