When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal
What we envy in others is actually a cue for us to become clearer about what we want to create for ourselves. We aren’t actually trying to say they don’t deserve that, but rather, I want to feel like I deserve that, too. Jealousy reveals our own self-suppression.
Brianna Wiest • When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal
“a greater life is pressing to be born.”
Brianna Wiest • When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal
You see, letting go is not a process of simply releasing into nothingness. It is a process of profound growth. In place of what no longer serves, we are forced to reach for what will finally heal.
Brianna Wiest • When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal
You will know that it’s time to take your power back when there is no other viable choice, because in the aftermath of loss, you discovered that you unraveled your own existence so that nothing could be taken from you again. You can’t lose your power. It’s not something separate from you. It’s never lost, just buried beneath the desire to keep your
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Growing up means you realize there is no finish line.
Brianna Wiest • When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal
When you imagine a potential outcome for your life, what you’re really envisioning is a solution to a past experience, a feeling you’ve had before and would like to maintain. What you cannot account for are the things that you wouldn’t think to ask for, because you don’t know that you want them. Real growth requires genuine exploration, a period of
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It’s hard to let go, but it’s harder not to.
Brianna Wiest • When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal
Making a home within yourself is knowing you will always be okay not because everything will go the way you initially planned, but because you will adapt even if it doesn’t.
Brianna Wiest • When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal
Remember that when other people judge, it’s a projection of an issue they have with themselves, in the same way that your worst judgments of other people are projections of issues you have with yourself. In this way, you can start seeing the origins of your problems less as personal attacks against you and more as, just, you being collateral for so
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It’s easy to define ourselves by the empty spaces, the ways in which we lack. And yet those are not always gaps within us waiting to be filled, rather, the simple contrast between all we are and all we were never meant to be.