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When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
2. Simple, easily accessible value consumption.
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
3. Simple, easily navigable value creation.
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
Communities look different than they did 50—even 20—years ago. They are organized around businesses and brands and providing profound opportunities for companies around the world.
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
The result of this are very real network effects: as engagement grows, the community gets smarter, faster to respond, more globally available, and generates more value.
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
Successful communities have seven key elements:
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
4. Clearly defined incentives and rewards.
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
While communities generate tangible value for businesses — such as content, events, online advocacy and marketing, technology production, customer support, and education — it is the intangible value that members derive from the experience that makes these environments truly “sticky.”
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
If a company can transition from simply delivering a product to building a community, it can unlock extraordinary competitive advantages and both create and support a superior business model.
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
5. Carefully crafted accountability.
Jeffrey Bussgang • When Community Becomes Your Competitive Advantage
7. Open, objective, governance and evolution.