What’s missing: Google Photos for Documents
What’s missing: Google Photos for Documents
Andreas Stegmann
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Option to categorize items with folders AND tags
Andreas Stegmann
What’s missing: Google Photos for Documents
Easy sharing and collaboration
Andreas Stegmann
What’s missing: Google Photos for Documents
Sync all files stored on different devices instantly
Andreas Stegmann
What’s missing: Google Photos for Documents
By creating a new UI on top of the old folder structure features are possible that weren’t before. I listed requirements for what I want from a next gen-filesystem (excerpt):
Andreas Stegmann
What’s missing: Google Photos for Documents
Where you see clutter, I see opportunity.
Andreas Stegmann
What’s missing: Google Photos for Documents
Google Photos launched in a saturated market but took the crown. You throw photos at it and it does the rest.
Andreas Stegmann
What’s missing: Google Photos for Documents