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What modern brands can learn from Häagen-Dazs
Membership. Häagen-Dazs purposefully created a myth and a tale around itself, in order to tap into consumers’ desire for access, social status, community and belonging. In the aspirational economy, consumers are fans, influencers, hobbyists, connoisseurs and collectors.
Ana Andjelic • What modern brands can learn from Häagen-Dazs
Micro. Rather than trying to cater to a mass audience in a superficial way, like broadcasting networks and cable channels, Netflix went deep and narrow in pursuit of niche viewers. The platform achieved scale through growth strategy focused on aggregation of niches. This growth strategy allowed Netflix to create a global market made out of micro-co... See more
Ana Andjelic • What modern brands can learn from Häagen-Dazs
Value innovation redefines growth. It moves the growth strategy from “what are my competitors doing” on the supply side to “what matters to my customers and how can I deliver it to them” on the demand side.
Ana Andjelic • What modern brands can learn from Häagen-Dazs
Aesthetics. An entire aesthetic world is a lot harder to copy than a visual handwriting or a tone of voice. It also takes longer to develop. Aesthetics is a value innovation form that stems from the brand POV. This aesthetic POV defines who the company is, what it stands for and also what kind of customers it wants to cultivate.
Ana Andjelic • What modern brands can learn from Häagen-Dazs
Value innovation is the backbone of the aspirational economy. When the economy based on manufacturing moved to producing culture, design, luxury, art and experiences, value innovation focused on taste, aesthetics, identity and one’s social standing
Ana Andjelic • What modern brands can learn from Häagen-Dazs
Identity. Value innovation is the opposite of imitation. It is a pursuit of singularity and incomparability. Häagen-Dazs tagline is “made like no other.” First-best brands, like Amazon, Apple or Hermès, invest in their own identity that transcends categories. They do not focus on what their competitors are doing. Kanye doesn’t compare himself with ... See more