What is Slow Marketing? An Introduction for Small Businesses - Pip Christie
You’re not asking people to buy from you because you’re the cheapest or most convenient. You’re asking people to buy from you because they feel connected to you and your brand.
What is Slow Marketing? An Introduction for Small Businesses - Pip Christie
Slowness of medium
Slowness of medium is where, in my opinion, it gets even more interesting. This is where you eschew all the marketing “must-haves” and choose to focus instead on the platforms that work best for your business.
Slowness of medium is where, in my opinion, it gets even more interesting. This is where you eschew all the marketing “must-haves” and choose to focus instead on the platforms that work best for your business.
What is Slow Marketing? An Introduction for Small Businesses - Pip Christie
This isn’t about getting quick results. Instead, you prioritise building intentional relationships with your audience.
What is Slow Marketing? An Introduction for Small Businesses - Pip Christie
Slowness of message
For most small businesses, this comes naturally. A slower message is a more soulful one. There’s no fast pressure to buy, no aggressive sales techniques or icky marketing spiels.
For most small businesses, this comes naturally. A slower message is a more soulful one. There’s no fast pressure to buy, no aggressive sales techniques or icky marketing spiels.