What is Culture? Part Six: Defining cultural phenomena
What is Culture? Part Six: Defining cultural phenomena
A convention of musicto’s culture is the making of playlist - specifically the making of collaborative playlists
our style is to create 22 track playlists with thubnail, single sentence description, featured artists and a description - typically made at least two people
number of collab lists made and published is an indicator of high cultural status within musicto - along with node membership and collection contribution and collective membership
the arrival of nodes - the arrival of collections are new coordination solutions for community
we are seeing a trend towards playlists being made by three or more people. We are also projecting a trend towards collections and collectives
lots of people make playlists - it is our culture that we make them together - not exclusively but it is the conventional approach within our culture
this convention is now a custom - we have a custom of making collaborative playlists
is collaborative playlist creation a monoculture within musicto?