What if you gave yourself the gift of inner acceptance?
We live in an aggressive media environment. Everything we see advertises for our attention. Information is constantly pushed onto us.
As the torrent increases, it devalues more and more information that comes our way. All social media is advertising. Even my posts are essentially ads for my work and point of view. Newsletters have become overwhelmi... See more
As the torrent increases, it devalues more and more information that comes our way. All social media is advertising. Even my posts are essentially ads for my work and point of view. Newsletters have become overwhelmi... See more
What if you gave yourself the gift of inner acceptance?
Things that aren’t disposable have started to feel like they are.
Many of us spend our lives pursuing private acceptance through external success. But no matter the award or honor, our inner doubts will remain. True acceptance comes from inside us. It takes asking ourselves challenging questions like: What do I want from my work? What’s most important about it to me ? How would I create my work differently if I p... See more
What if you gave yourself the gift of inner acceptance?
Every collector was someone explicitly asking to be part of something I’d made. It felt exciting.
What if you gave yourself the gift of inner acceptance?
I really want this to be for vector too :) For those that seek us out, or stumble upon us and find us a treasure trove
What if you gave yourself the gift of inner acceptance? What would it open up for you?