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What Does Slow AI Look Like?
I think one of the main reasons many of us feel anxious is because we have more productivity tools than ever, but these tools rarely match how we naturally want to create.
Sari Azout • What Does Slow AI Look Like?
Maslow hierarchy of note softwares
The problem isn’t that machines are becoming more human-like, it’s that humans are becoming more machine-like in an effort to keep up.
Sari Azout • What Does Slow AI Look Like?
What would it look like if, in a McLuhan-esque, medium is the message sort of way, our tools said to us:
It’s gonna take you a while.
It’s normal to take a while.
It’d be weird if you made something beautiful so quickly.
The problem isn’t that you’re not working fast enough.
The problem is your expectations are not realistic.
Our AI helps you slow the ... See more
It’s gonna take you a while.
It’s normal to take a while.
It’d be weird if you made something beautiful so quickly.
The problem isn’t that you’re not working fast enough.
The problem is your expectations are not realistic.
Our AI helps you slow the ... See more
Sari Azout • What Does Slow AI Look Like?
Who is asking to be turned into a passive bystander in their own work?
Sari Azout • What Does Slow AI Look Like?
Why are we assuming that people want more, faster? Has anyone ever said, “if only I could make unlimited presentations”?
Sari Azout • What Does Slow AI Look Like?
App (business) needs vs human (self) needs