Waking Up - A New Operating System for Your Mind
briefly imagine losing what you have and take for granted. So perhaps losing your home, prized possessions, ability to use your legs or your nearest and dearest. Not to dwell on it but to imagine it briefly. So close you eyes and visualise it for a moment or two, try and make it real in your mind and see how that feels. I would caution that if feel... See more
Waking Up - A New Operating System for Your Mind
Whenever I want to evoke the feeling of gratitude,l I usually start with the simple realisation that I am alive and breathing. Seneca said something along the lines of ‘treat each separate day as a separate life’. I try to remember this quote as often as possible and find it very helpful in regards to gratitude. You could also think about all the b... See more
Waking Up - A New Operating System for Your Mind
I personally struggle with Metta practice as it can feel a bit new agey for me but another thing I do sometimes is I sit in a coffee shop or some other suitable people watching place. I watch people go by and I find at least one thing I like about everyone I notice, that lady has beautiful hair, I like the colour of that guys jacket, this person lo... See more