Vision Pro
At a high level, the pitch is not that this is a new kind of dynamic medium, but rather that Vision Pro gives you a way to use (roughly) 2D iPad app UIs on a very large, spatial display. Those apps are organized around familiar UIKit controls and layouts. We see navigation controllers, split views, buttons, text fields, scroll views, etc, all arran... See more
Vision Pro
visionOS is organized around “apps”, which are conceptually defined just like apps on iOS:
- to perform an action, you launch an app which affords that activity; no attempt is made to move towards finer-grained “activity-oriented computing”
- apps present interface content, which is defined on a per-app basis; app interfaces cannot meaningfully interact,
Vision Pro
On its surface, the iPhone didn’t have totally new killer apps when it launched. It had a mail client, a music player, a web browser, YouTube, etc. The multitouch paradigm didn’t substantively transform what you could do with those apps; it was important because it made those apps possible on the tiny display. The first iPhone was important not bec... See more
Vision Pro
Note how different Apple’s strategy is from the vision in Meta’s and MagicLeap’s pitches. These companies point towards radically different visions of computing, in which interfaces are primarily three-dimensional and intrinsically spatial. Operations have places; the desired paradigm is more object-oriented (“things” in the “meta-verse”) than app-... See more
Vision Pro
anchors and mapping data based on your location.
- Practically speaking, this means that if you use an app to anchor some paintings to your wall at home, then go to your office, you won’t see the paintings there. You can persist new paintings on the walls in your office. Then when you return home, the device will automatically reload th