efficiency is wildly profitable, but when it is treated as a God instead of as a means to the end of aliveness, it undercuts what makes us human -- our vibes. and when your humanity becomes synonymous with efficiency, you risk losing yourselves entirely.
These large companies do not have vibes - Google improves lives, but the efficiency of search has made us forget the ancient joy of wandering through a library. not knowing what hidden knowledge we would discover hidden deep within the stats. AWS can be thought of as the most efficient way to start a website, but there is a templatized copy/paste t... See more
Take NPS. A management consultant at Bain invented NPS as a quantifiable metric to measure human loyalty to a product. A natural inclination reduced to an acronym in service to efficiency.
Leading with your vibes, making mistakes, wasting time but gambling on your instincts even when you're wrong, being true to what's core to you - is the only efficient path to a life well lived.
Slack enables companies to scale faster, yet who feels most alive on slack? These things don't make me feel human. these things don't make me feel human. algorithms make the world more efficient but they don't make people feel alive.