Leading with your vibes, making mistakes, wasting time but gambling on your instincts even when you're wrong, being true to what's core to you - is the only efficient path to a life well lived.
Algos have agendas, humans have vibes. Algos should serve your vibes, not dictate them. Ask yourselves: is the algorithm I'm engaging with in service of my own personal agency?
Take NPS. A management consultant at Bain invented NPS as a quantifiable metric to measure human loyalty to a product. A natural inclination reduced to an acronym in service to efficiency.
These large companies do not have vibes - Google improves lives, but the efficiency of search has made us forget the ancient joy of wandering through a library. not knowing what hidden knowledge we would discover hidden deep within the stats. AWS can be thought of as the most efficient way to start a website, but there is a templatized copy/paste t... See more
gathering in person is a profoundly inefficient affair but it is a profoundly human affair. we won't be able to measure what it means to be here. we traded off the efficiency of our screens for humanity. we came for a vibe.