Venkatesh Rao: Consulting and Writing
I stumbled across a key insight that may or may not have been spotted before: lorecraft is the evil twin of marketing.
Venkatesh Rao • Lands of Lorecraft
Dan Leeman on LinkedIn: B2B content creators and marketing/partnership folks, help me think… | 36 comments
linkedin.comGood protocols, in short, manage to catalyze good enough outcomes with respect to a variety of contending criteria, via surprisingly limited and compact interventions.
Venkatesh Rao • The Unreasonable Sufficiency of Protocols
Bootstrapping with beefs doesn’t have to be done with writing. You could do a book, or a talk, or a show-over-tell artifact that falsifies a commonly held belief via counterexample. Or even just a Twitter rant. If you’re not a creator type, you could develop a sales pitch for use in 1:1 conversational selling that’s based on a beefy take. There are
... See moreVenkatesh Rao • The Art of Gig, Volume 1
Arguably, lorecraft is the first truly internet-native school of management and organizational thinking, though I’m sure it won’t be the last.