Venkatesh Rao: Consulting and Writing
Companion presentation deck to Ribbonfarm's six part newsletter series on emergent management practice, lorecraft.
Venkatesh Rao • On Lore
As a consultant, your identity and style are derived from your client’s identity and style: your persona is a shadow persona.
Venkatesh Rao • The Art of Gig, Volume 1
By offering a seamlessly integrated email, payment integration (Stripe is a big part of all these revolutions), and no-design-needed opinionated web presentation, Substack managed to basically resurrect a zombie category of text media that hadn’t really existed in this kind of pure form since the 90s.
Ribbon Farm • A Text Renaissance
Lorecraft is a natural and adaptive intellectual response to the automation of vast swathes of managerial/leadership functions, and organizational processes.
Venkatesh Rao • Lands of Lorecraft
Lorecraft is how you design and manage organizations where all the dull and boring stuff is increasingly being automated away, and what’s left of management and leadership functions is increasingly just the interesting and hard to automate stuff. This is the hypothesis of lorecraft as a genuinely new managerial capability.
Venkatesh Rao • Lands of Lorecraft
On Lore consultants naturally fit in where the capability gap is either small enough and oddly-shaped enough to be filled by a few individually contracted people, or where the gap is large, but can be filled by a fairly generic type of labor without the help of a labor-aggregating counterparty. The four response regimes of consulting