Upgrade Atomic Thinking to Holistic Thinking
The Zettelkasten relates to the thinker as the workshop does to the craftsman: good tools and lovely furnishings make good work possible, but do not replace it. Therefore, great thinking work can be done without a Zettelkasten, and wonderful craftsmanship can emerge even in the most adverse of circumstances.
Zettelkasten.de • Upgrade Atomic Thinking to Holistic Thinking
Even the Zettelkasten Method only gives us a real understanding when it takes into account the way our brain works.
- If we follow the barbell method of reading, we do not start with the exact analysis, but in the first reading cycle we look at the source as a whole. In doing so, we only notice individual things that stand out. We stay in right brain
Zettelkasten.de • Upgrade Atomic Thinking to Holistic Thinking
Whenever you come across a train of thought that is difficult to grasp, break it down into smaller and thus easier to understand components.
Zettelkasten.de • Upgrade Atomic Thinking to Holistic Thinking
This does not mean that the left brain is fundamentally problematic. It provides us with deep insights. It enables us to think about something. Only the left hemisphere gives us the possibility to separate out individual qualities of the world and to see commonalities of individual qualities in what for the right brain are unique occurrences in the
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What has once been unfolded and dissected by the left brain should be returned to the right brain and revived. The left brain is unable to do this because it tries to use the same way of making the whole that it uses for dissecting. But what was alive and is dissected to death cannot be brought back to life by sewing it together. It has to be diges
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We find this whole only in contact with another person. We don’t find it alone during analysis. Only in conversation and coherent explanation do we find the whole. Only the return to the right hemisphere of the brain gives us the whole.