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Unpacking Boris
An organization that does conventional goal-setting will have agreed on shared goals but not on the acceptable/unacceptable tradeoffs in achieving those shared goals.
vaughn tan • Unpacking Boris
To agree on tradeoffs collectively, tradeoffs have to be made explicit, then negotiated between stakeholders.
vaughn tan • Unpacking Boris
Conventional goal-setting sucks because it overlooks the actually important part of agreeing on goals collectively, which is to also agree on what you’re willing (and unwilling) to give up to achieve those shared goals. By not paying attention to what tradeoffs stakeholders believe are (or aren’t) acceptable, conventional goal-setting makes conflic... See more
vaughn tan • Unpacking Boris
Traditional goal-setting does not focus at all on making explicit and clarifying the acceptable and unacceptable tradeoffs in achieving those shared goals.