Uncovering The Logic of English: A Common-Sense Approach to Reading, Spelling, and Literacy
Denise Eideamazon.com
Uncovering The Logic of English: A Common-Sense Approach to Reading, Spelling, and Literacy
reading and spelling are the same process in reverse.
Rule 9 AY usually spells the sound /ā/ at the end of a base word.
Rule 7 I says /ē/ at the end of a syllable that is followed by a vowel and at the end of foreign words.
Rule 7 Y says /ē/ only at the end of a multi-syllable word.
It is vital to understand that English is a code. Codes by nature are reversible. It is learning the keys to the code that enables all students to learn how to read and spell fluently.
Rule 12.2 English words do not end in V or U.
In many languages there is a one-to-one correspondence between the phonograms (written symbols) and the phonemes (sounds). In such languages students at the end of first grade test at nearly the same level as college students in their ability to read and spell.
A vowel suffix is an ending that begins with a vowel.
Reading is the process of decoding the “sound pictures” and reforming them into auditory words.