Tada! Gendlin's Focusing for mobile Note that http://refract.space is gonna have guided Focusing (well, it already does, we just haven't released it yet!)
It envisions a person as a process, capable of continual change and forward movement. The “problems” inside you are only those parts of the process that have been stopped, and the aim of focusing is to unstop them and get the process moving again.
Eugene T. Gendlin • Focusing: How to Open Up Your Deeper Feelings and Intuition
The practice of Focusing[4] is an excellent method for allowing parts to gradually come into view.
Jay Earley • Self-Therapy : A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness Using IFS, A Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 3rd Edition
A successful focusing step usually gives a much better, truer understanding of what has been wrong.
Eugene T. Gendlin • Focusing: How to Open Up Your Deeper Feelings and Intuition
Ask, “What does this whole problem feel like?” But don’t answer in words. Feel the problem whole, the sense of all that.
Eugene T. Gendlin • Focusing: How to Open Up Your Deeper Feelings and Intuition
Focusing is not work. It is a friendly time within your body. Approach the problem freshly later, or tomorrow.