‘Trust Your Gut’ Might Actually Be Profitable Advice on Wall Street, Study Says (Published 2016)
When Mr. Soros was actively managing his fund, he would suffer from backaches, and said that he “used the onset of acute pain as a signal that there was something wrong in my portfolio.”
David Gelles • ‘Trust Your Gut’ Might Actually Be Profitable Advice on Wall Street, Study Says (Published 2016)
traders who follower their intuition and “are in tune with their heartbeat” make more money
“By this they mean that subtle physiological changes in their bodies provide cues helping them rapidly select from a range of possible trades the one that just ‘feels right.’ Our findings suggest that the gut feelings informing this decision are more than the mythical entities of financial lore — they are real physiological signals, valuable ones a... See more
David Gelles • ‘Trust Your Gut’ Might Actually Be Profitable Advice on Wall Street, Study Says (Published 2016)
pounce on intuition and “the right feeling” when you can.