Tribes: We need you to lead us
People want to be sure you heard what they said—they’re less focused on whether or not you do what they said.
Seth Godin • Tribes: We need you to lead us
Human beings can’t help it: we need to belong. One of the most powerful of our survival mechanisms is to be part of a tribe, to contribute to (and take from) a group of like-minded people. We are drawn to leaders and to their ideas, and we can’t resist the rush of belonging and the thrill of the new.
Seth Godin • Tribes: We need you to lead us
Let’s continue for a minute, then, and think about when. Do you have what you need to lead? Do you need more power or education or money? When will you have enough of what you need in order to start leading a tribe? If someone gave you two weeks to give that speech or write that manifesto or make that decision, would that be enough time? If two wee
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Heretics are the new leaders. The ones who challenge the status quo, who get out in front of their tribes, who create movements.
Seth Godin • Tribes: We need you to lead us
A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.
Seth Godin • Tribes: We need you to lead us
A crowd is a tribe without a leader. A crowd is a tribe without communication. Most organizations spend their time marketing to the crowd. Smart organizations assemble the tribe.
Seth Godin • Tribes: We need you to lead us
The secret of being wrong isn’t to avoid being wrong! The secret is being willing to be wrong. The secret is realizing that wrong isn’t fatal.
Seth Godin • Tribes: We need you to lead us
What leaders do: they give people stories they can tell themselves. Stories about the future and about change.
Seth Godin • Tribes: We need you to lead us
Whatever the status quo is, changing it gives you the opportunity to be remarkable.
Seth Godin • Tribes: We need you to lead us
Initiating is really and truly difficult, and that’s what leaders do.