Saved by Kelly Kim
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As students navigate an increasingly personalized learning landscape to meet their goals, educators are rethinking their roles to focus more on mentoring than teaching.
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Creative thinking, not technical ability, will become the future’s most valuable skill. Schools are reevaluating their curriculums to match.
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Teachers are Now Coaches
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It calls into question not just what skills students should consider focusing on for the future, but the very nature of learning and ability.
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Schools are no longer the only place where knowledge is aggregated and connections are made. Approximately 15 million students in the US are piecing together their education from places outside of the classroom.
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The future of education looks less like a classroom and more like a video game.
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Functional MRI brain imaging analyses found that children who played video games for three or more hours per day showed higher brain activity in regions of the brain associated with attention and memory than those who never played.
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There was a time when the GPA meant everything. Now, the world is more interested in seeing real evidence you’re suitable for the job.
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The pandemic paved the way for a plethora of new schooling options – and the options will keep growing in 2023.
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Huge improvements in artificial intelligence (AI) are making homework obsolete and educators face an identity crisis.