Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: Give the #1 bestseller to everyone you love this Christmas
But for Marx, the world was like a breakfast at a five-star hotel in an Asian country—the abundance of it was almost overwhelming. Who wouldn’t want a pineapple smoothie, a roast pork bun, an omelet, pickled vegetables, sushi, and a green-tea-flavored croissant? They were all there for the taking and delicious, in their own way.
Gabrielle Zevin • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: Give the #1 bestseller to everyone you love this Christmas
“And this is the truth of any game—it can only exist at the moment that it is being played. It’s the same with being an actor. In the end, all we can ever know is the game that was played, in the only world that we know.”
Gabrielle Zevin • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: Give the #1 bestseller to everyone you love this Christmas
On the verge of disappearing, she turned, and she ran back to him. “Sam!” she said. “Do you still game?”
Gabrielle Zevin • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: Give the #1 bestseller to everyone you love this Christmas
She almost seemed to be an extension of him, and he, of her.