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Tokenomics 101: Bitcoin & Ethereum
“Tokenomics” has become a popular term in the last few years to describe the math and incentives governing crypto assets. It includes everything about the mechanics of how the asset works, as well as the psychological or behavioral forces that could affect its value long term.
Nat Eliason • Tokenomics 101: The Basics of Evaluating Cryptocurrencies - DeFriday #19
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“Tokenomics” has become a popular term in the last few years to describe the math and incentives governing crypto assets. It includes everything about the mechanics of how the asset works, as well as the psychological or behavioral forces that could affect its value long term.
Nat Eliason • Tokenomics 101: The Basics of Evaluating Cryptocurrencies - DeFriday #19
Emilie Kormienko added
We call Tokenomics all the things that enable participants to earn more tokens by contributing positively. Basically, setting up Tokenomics for your project means "What can we put in place to incentivize my community to participate in my project.
Eliot Couvat • How to Launch a Creator DAO
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Tekelala added
Social tokens have shown their efficiency on incentivizing individuals to share their skills with others. Projects that have succeeded in creating thriving communities all have strong Tokenomics. Tokenomics is a successful community’s superpower.
Coinvise • Coinvise Learn | Substack
Austin Castellaw added
Tokenomics 101: The Basics of Evaluating Cryptocurrencies - DeFriday #19
Nat Eliasoncrypto.nateliason.comJonno Evans added
If you’re considering whether or not to buy a crypto asset, understanding the tokenomics is one of the most useful first steps you can take to make a good decision.
Nat Eliason • Tokenomics 101: The Basics of Evaluating Cryptocurrencies - DeFriday #19
Emilie Kormienko added
Web3 founders need to take a step back and come to peace with the idea that there is no need to reinvent the wheel by introducing tokenomics models into every idea. Tokenomics is a powerful tool if used correctly. But tokenomics should take a back seat to the concept of engagement. Engagement is the basis of consumer success.
Robert Hammond • Ponzi-as-a-Service (PaaS)
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