To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Nestled inside was a ring of grey metal set with a bluish-purple gem, startling in its brilliancy.
Christopher Paolini • To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Christopher Paolini • To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Kira. The name rang like a struck bell. She wrapped herself in it, using it as armor to defend her core, using it as a way to give her/him/it some sense of internal consistency.
Christopher Paolini • To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
“Bullshit. The truth is you don’t want to. It makes you feel good to blame yourself. You know why?” Kira shook her head, mute. “Because it gives you a sense of control. The hardest lesson in life is learning to accept that there are some things we can’t change.” Falconi paused, his eyes hard and glittering. “Blaming yourself is perfectly normal, bu
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What was, not word-castles and hypotheticals. And right then, what she needed to do was sleep.
Christopher Paolini • To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
One could argue that all that really matters is that we learn to deal with where we are at any given moment, not where we were.”
Christopher Paolini • To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Falconi tapped the edge of his cards against the floor in an absentminded fashion, although he was too sharp, too aware, for the motion to be careless.
Christopher Paolini • To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Christopher Paolini • To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
which was that “. . . the meaning of life, Kira, is moving things from point a to point b. That’s it. That’s all we really do.” “But what about when we talk?” she had said, not entirely understanding. “That’s just moving an idea from in here,” and he tapped her on the forehead, “out into the real world.”