Time is the best editor.
If you have it, time is the easiest trick for self-editing. Simply put your work away long enough so when you come back to it you can see it with fresh eyes.
Saved by sari and
Time is the best editor. If you have it, time is the easiest trick for self-editing. Simply put your work away long enough so when you come back to it you can see it with fresh eyes.
Time is the best editor.
If you have it, time is the easiest trick for self-editing. Simply put your work away long enough so when you come back to it you can see it with fresh eyes.
Saved by sari and
It’s important (not to mention reassuring) to keep in mind that writing is a process. It is rarely possible to address all of a story’s trouble spots in a single draft, so don’t be hard on yourself. It’s not you; it’s the nature of the beast.
I prefer to wait until I’m ready to try that same editor with a different idea a month later, saying, “Thanks for your prompt response last time. I hope this new piece works better.”
When writing, write yourself into a good idea. It takes time.