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Platitudes Of Doom
We should get past "want" and "contract" and into issues of value. What features will most improve our standing in the market? What features will most improve our reputation? Which features will cheapen us? Which yield little or no ongoing improvement? Which features will never really be used (AKA "checklist features")? Which should we farm out? Wh... See more
Tim Ottinger • Platitudes Of Doom
Yesterday's low quality is today's encumberance, or maybe I should say that todays technical debt means we have less technical capacity to spend every day until we pay it off.
Tim Ottinger • Platitudes Of Doom
Wanting is cheap, but invention and production are expensive. There are material costs, costs of design, costs of errors and rework, costs of research, time and materials. There are human beings who do design, and they like to be paid. It takes them longer to work out the requirements than it does for me to decide I would like a new kind of car, or... See more