Tijn Tjoelker on Substack
Our breathing is as beautiful as music.
Thich Nhat Hanh • The Art of Living: mindful techniques for peaceful living from one of the world’s most revered spiritual leaders
There’s so much wisdom in nature that when we notice it, it awakens possibility within us. It is through communing with nature that we move closer to our own nature.
Rick Rubin • The Creative Act: A Way of Being: The Sunday Times bestseller
We can begin to experience nature as a doorway to the sacred, a way to find stillness, silence, and timeless mystery.
Mark Coleman • Awake in the Wild
being in Nature evoked a feeling of belonging to something bigger, opening a pathway to a spiritual connection with the Cosmos that transcended the passage of time.
Marcelo Gleiser • The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future
Listen with greater presence and acuity – to ambient sounds, to the voice of loved ones and wisdom teachers, to the whispers of one’s own heart, to the silence of the infinite.
Nehemia Polen • Stop, Look, Listen: Celebrating Shabbos through a Spiritual Lens
Bell of Mindfulness
Upon your arrival you might hear a bell sound and suddenly people around you have stopped still, stopped talking, and stopped moving. It might be the telephone ringing or the clock chiming, or the monastery bell sounding. These are our bells of mindfulness. When we hear the sound of the bell we relax our body and become aware of
... See moreThich Nhat Hanh • Extended Practices | Plum Village
We all travel the Milky Way together, trees and men. . . . In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.
Richard Powers • The Overstory: A Novel
Derrick Jensen
“We need to distinguish between listening and hearing. I believe I listen better than many people, but I still don’t hear very well. I have a lot of friends around the world who are able to actually hear the natural world. Still, whether or not we hear, listening is important. Until we start to listen—and,... See more