Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
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1:19:20 – reaching quality through quantity
Tiago Forte
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
1:56:32 – writing as thinking and re-writing as re-thinking
Tiago Forte
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
2:15 – the shifting bottleneck of online education
Tiago Forte
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
1:35:41 – the power of a weakness
Tiago Forte
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
1:04:49 – if you can easily describe what you are doing it’s probably not ambitious enough
Tiago Forte
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
2:04:32 – the paradox of specificity: the more specific what you are known for is, the more opportunities you’ll attract
Tiago Forte
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
13:30 – changing identity on scale through online schooling
Tiago Forte
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education
35:23 – how feedback loops exponentially increases your output
Tiago Forte
Tiago Forte: The Future of Education