Saved by Stuart Evans
"Three Theses on Liminality"
3. Liminality as a re-structuring of consciousness and culture in the fragmentation and regeneration of worldview, and we (if we were to identify a role for ourselves, called to speak to these times) as healers, mediators, and threshold crossers, realizing fragments of integral futures in the present.
Jeremy Johnson • "Three Theses on Liminality"
These thresholds are initiatory. They are transformative. Full of bendings, turnings and reversals; where inner-meets-outer like a Möbius strip, an intermediary tidal zone of death and resurrection, morphological transfiguration. Fish-becoming-amphibian.
Jeremy Johnson • "Three Theses on Liminality"
We need individuals and communities that serve these liminal times by calling them into being with the fullness of their senses and with a compassionate dedication to realizing instances of these new futures in the present. Transforming fragmentation into cohering fragments of integral futures. Doing the difficult work that is both material and spi... See more
Jeremy Johnson • "Three Theses on Liminality"
So we are on the topic of horizons and thresholds, limits and walls, and their appropriately hidden transversals (vertere, from the root *wer-, “to turn, bend”). From this place, we understand liminality to be that initiatory threshold where the limits of our knowing meets the horizon of our being.