• from What Happened To My Ambition? with Rainesford Stauffer | Crooked Media by Anne Helen Petersen

    sari added

  • from What Happened To My Ambition? with Rainesford Stauffer | Crooked Media by Anne Helen Petersen

    sari added

  • from What Comes After Ambition? by elle magazine

    Keely Adler and added

  • from on monsters

    sari added

  • from Hard Startups - Sam Altman by blog.samaltman.com

    Johanna added

  • Work, Ambition, and Identity

    by Sam Sager

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of Work, Ambition, and Identity

    Stuart Evans and added

  • Tools of Titans

    by Timothy Ferriss

    Cover of Tools of Titans

    Harold T. Harper and added

  • from Page Not Found | Framer by Sindhu Shivaprasad

    Sindhu Shivaprasad added