this insight from Visa:
when you have a game-changing insight you’ll often have to repeat it for 5-7 years before people start to really get it
Saved by sari and
this insight from Visa: when you have a game-changing insight you’ll often have to repeat it for 5-7 years before people start to really get it
this insight from Visa:
when you have a game-changing insight you’ll often have to repeat it for 5-7 years before people start to really get it
Saved by sari and
When you have a game-changing insight you’ll often have to repeat it for 5-7 years before people start to really get it.
The ability to grasp this concept—time and patience—may be the delta between people who have the talent to make a living vs. those who have the requisite mindset to build wealth.
Success comes from persistently improving and inventing, not from persistently doing what’s not working.
I’m not saying it takes decades to execute, but the better part of a decade may be figuring out what you can uniquely provide. [10]
Which has led me to believe that anyone can do anything. As long as three conditions exist: You want to achieve it. You believe you can achieve it. You enjoy trying to achieve it. We often think we need only the first two, but it’s the third condition that’s most important. The trying is the day-to-day reality. And trying to achieve something is ve
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