Thich Nhat Hanh on How to Heal Your Inner Child

Our practice is based on the insight of nonduality—anger is not an enemy. Both mindfulness and anger are ourselves. Mindfulness is there not to suppress or fight against anger, but to recognize and take care of it—like a big brother helping a younger brother. So the energy of anger is recognized and embraced tenderly by the energy of mindfulness.
Thich Nhat Hanh • Thich Nhat Hanh on How to Heal Your Inner Child
Understanding emotions
Thich Nhat Hanh
Lion’s Roar
You can talk directly to the child with the language of love, saying, “In the past, I left you alone. I went away from you. Now, I am very sorry. I am going to embrace you.” You can say, “Darling, I am here for you. I will take good care of you. I know you suffer so much. I have been so busy. I have neglected you, and now I have learned a way to co... See more
Thich Nhat Hanh on How to Heal Your Inner Child
Work with the wounded child - it heals ancestors too
Thich Nhat Hanh
Lion’s Roar