Mario Gabriele • Modern Meditations: Danny Rimer
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There is beauty in something well-made. The fine fit of a tailored suit. The delicate stitching of a vibrant rug. The mechanical elegance of a well-tuned watch, ticking silently. The same aesthetic laws that govern these objects – and innumerable others – apply to the business world, too. There is such a thing as a beautiful, elegant business. Not only in those aspects that might meet the eye – the palpable product, gilded logo, or savvy marketing copy – but in those that don’t: the contours of a business model, the architecture of information flows, the fiber and color of culture. For those willing to look, to study with an appreciative eye, even the seeming mundanity of a B2B SaaS product can possess a kind of aesthetic grace.
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Great design is when you design for others to feel, to experience with their senses, perhaps even to be pleasantly surprised–a joyful experience. This joyfulness converts always into goodwill, warm memories and, if you are so inclined, cash. Some of the most successful recent businesses were founded by designers–adopting their practices could be th
... See more... See more“If Stripe is a monstrously successful business, but what we make isn’t beautiful, and Stripe doesn’t embody a culture of incredibly exacting craftsmanship, I’ll be much less happy. I think the returns to both of those things in the world are really high. I think even beyond the pecuniary or financial returns, the world’s just uglier than it needs