The World Doesn't Need More Thought Leaders

Wisdom keepers learn recognize the invitation into immolation when it comes. They know that the fire isn't trying to destroy them - it's trying to reveal them.
Evan Meyer • The World Doesn't Need More Thought Leaders
The majority of these “thought-leaders” are in reality performing an act of “self-improvement” or “spirituality.”
They they either had yet to cross their own threshold or have been unable to totally accept that they need to at some point.
And with that, they had yet to taste all the pains of that life, moving through the easy path.
But sooner or later, everything they have built on that path will come crashing down.
Instead of avoiding the inevitable chaos of your life, learn to turn into it.
Stop trying to pop-psych your way out of your devastation. Stop trying to man... See more
Evan Meyer • The World Doesn't Need More Thought Leaders
Evan Meyer • The World Doesn't Need More Thought Leaders
But real wisdom keepers?
They carry the marks of their initiations. You can smell the smoke on them from the fires they've walked through.
Their words carry weigh... See more
Evan Meyer • The World Doesn't Need More Thought Leaders
By over-compensating and over-reaching your role as a “teacher,” an entrepreneur, you delude yourself into thinking that you are wise, but in reality, you do not have the depth, the perspective, or the experience to fill the words that you speak with any real vitality, any magic.
They are dead words, platitudes, shared for the sake posing as a “leader,” when really you are just as lost as everybody else.