The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
The more angles you can see it from, the more informed you will be to make a better decision.
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
Brands are NOT logos, graphics, or slogans. Those are artifacts that can help with familiarity with your brand, but a brand is much deeper. What impression is left on your customers? What are your touchpoints with them?
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
Profit generated with money invested by shareholders. Net Income / Shareholder’s Equity (%) Net Profit Margin Efficiency at cost control in converting revenue into profit. The higher the number, the better. Net Profit / Net Sales
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
The more you know and understand this person, the better your chances are of a successful negotiated outcome.
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
The reality is that people want the most amount of money while doing the least amount of work.
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
A: helps someone get over a hurdle, B: is distinct, C: creates a positive personal connection.
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
If you want to be happy in your job you need to hit the sweet spot. You need a balance of competence (really good at something), passion (need I say more?), and opportunity (there is a market need).
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
A lot of companies focus on selling features rather than taking a much more effective approach selling benefits. Show potential customers the idea and appeal to the emotions, creating a positive personal connection.
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
Always remember that in the world of private equity, your reputation means everything. Be true to your word and deliver on what you promise..
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
Debt-to-equity Financial leverage: How much debt is used to finance your assets. Total Liabilities / Shareholder Equity