The truth is that one day you hate yourself, and the next day you can’t wait to use your gifts
-Adam Jk
Saved by Alara and
The truth is that one day you hate yourself, and the next day you can’t wait to use your gifts -Adam Jk
The truth is that one day you hate yourself, and the next day you can’t wait to use your gifts
-Adam Jk
Saved by Alara and
Affirmations are a powerful antidote for self-hate, which commonly appears under the mask of self-doubt.
Every day we’re hiding who we are, convinced that we’re not whole apart from what we do and our relationships.
Just imagine a coin. One side of it is full of thoughts that aren’t true, helpful, or kind. If you flipped it over, what would the other side say?
Writing is mostly a mind game. It’s about tricking yourself into becoming who you are. If you do this long enough, you begin to believe it. And pretty soon, you start acting like it.
Sometimes our deepest hate is for the things we find impossible to change about ourselves.
Kindly get that “I’m a recovering perfectionist” nonsense out of your head. There’s nothing about who you are that you need to recover from.
Your history of false starts is not evidence that your capacity to heal, grow, and thrive is static. Your history of false starts is irrelevant—I don’t care about it, and neither should you. Allow your history of long and winding false starts to represent your abiding commitment to discover your authentic self. Recognize that none of the solutions
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