The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
Completion is the final phase of any commitment process. The original context for the coaching is done. This is a good thing. At the same time, this is where the context of the commitment set at the beginning of the coaching can become the barrier to the next level of possibility. It’s time to either create a new coaching context . . . or simply ho
... See moreCarolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
How about you? Is your Dream Camper truly yours, or is it Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa House? Are you willing to take back the keys to YOUR camper, and drive it wherever YOU want to go?
Carolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
NOW: Looking for pain / what’s not working. What’s happening now? What prompted you to reach out to me? What’s an average day look like for you? What’s your greatest source of stress? What’s missing in your life? What do you complain about? What’s not working to the degree you’d like? Where are you out of integrity? Where have you made a commitment
... See moreCarolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
“no working on content until your group is full OR two weeks before the launch date.”
Carolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
The keys to coaching the so-called uncoachable are: Looking at where you are judging them or making them wrong, because judgment and “wrong-making” contributes to them being less coachable. Clients and prospective clients feel our judgment, even if they can’t articulate it.
Carolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
COMMITMENT: What’s their number? How committed are you to creating your Ideal Life? How important is this to you? If commitment were on a scale from 1-10, where 1 was I’m not committed at all and 10 was I’ll do anything to create this life, what’s your number? What would it take to go from a 7 to an 8? What’s in the way of being a 9?
Carolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
slow down and ask yourself: what is it about this person that you admire? I
Carolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
“I’m a boat that can transform lives, do it full-time and make my own life great.”
Carolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
There are a lot of coaches who have gone to the “This is SERIOUS business” school of thought, and it’s not, as you can imagine, a fun school to attend. It’s a dreary, uncomfortable place where everyone nods at each other in very serious ways and shares their concerns about the profession and life. They don’t end up loving the profession, and nobody
... See moreCarolyn Freyer-Jones • The Total Coaching Success Book: Everything You Need Internally and Externally to Create a Financially Successful Coaching Business
You can provide massive value by looking at a client or prospective client’s calendar. I do this regularly—it leads to valuable conversations around what matters to someone and whether or not they’re getting the results they want in their lives.