The Sisters Brothers

thinking of nothing, or of several vague things simultaneously,
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
It was the thought that something as scenic as this running water might offer you not only aesthetic solace but also golden riches; the thought that the earth itself was taking care of you, was in favor of you. This perhaps was what lay at the very root of the hysteria surrounding what came to be known as the Gold Rush: Men desiring a feeling of fo
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their cackles and perfumes blurred together in a garish bouquet that I found at once enticing and stomach turning.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
He stood there weeping and watching us go, while behind him Lucky Paul entered and collapsed the prospector’s tent, and I thought, Here is another miserable mental image I will have to catalog and make room for.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
Charlie was asleep on his back, eyes wide open, and with a full erection pressing against the front of his pants, which despite my not wanting to know about the thing I took as a sign of wellness.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
that pleased him fundamentally.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
‘My feelings about San Francisco rise and fall with my moods. Or is it that the town alters my moods, thus informing my opinions?
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
I did not know what to say in response but the brandy implored me to blather on, and I was opening my jaws to do just this when some deeper reasoning took hold and I closed my mouth, maintaining my silence.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
Surely there was one among them who had been first to outfit himself in such a way. Had this man been pleased when the others imitated him, or annoyed, his individual sense of flair devalued by their emulation?