The Sisters Brothers

At any rate I got the impression he did not care to know the answers but was merely pleased to be making his inquiries.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
Charlie was asleep on his back, eyes wide open, and with a full erection pressing against the front of his pants, which despite my not wanting to know about the thing I took as a sign of wellness.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
there had been no other people around to upset his volatile nature,
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
We did not ask that he elaborate, but he needed no invitation to continue:
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
Stamm might have been walking to an outhouse, for all the concern he displayed.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
in a frenzy of commerce,
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
The trappers, meanwhile, were unhappy we had usurped their glory with the she-bear and were, I felt, preparing to exhibit rudeness. To thwart this I introduced Charlie and myself, our full names, which silenced them. Now they will hate us ever more virulently, but secretly, I thought.
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
from hat to shoe
Patrick deWitt • The Sisters Brothers
despite a lingering bitterness, that our night of shared glory had ended in such a tangle of grotesqueness and failure.