1. Focus first on the longer-term strategic aspirations2. Take time to survey the scene3. Be structured about selecting the right blueprint4. Go beyond lines and boxes5. Be rigorous about drafting in talent6. Identify the necessary mind-set shifts—and change those mind-sets7. Establish metrics that measure short- and long-term success8. Make sure b... See more
Achieving strategic clarity is hard. It takes asking tough questions about tradeoffs, deep concentration to get to the very essence of the issues and real courage to cut off competing priorities. It is worth the effort because with real clarity, people, teams and organizations can fully mobilize, break through to the next level and achieve somethin... See more
What is our winning aspiration? Clarify what you aim to achieve with your strategy. This guides all subsequent decisions and actions toward a clear objective.
Where will we play? Select specific markets, segments, or niches where you will compete. Focus is crucial; trying to be everywhere can dilute effectiveness.